act powerfully in the world, all parts must synchronize. No one can take on the
whole world, or live a whole life, until they become a whole person. Discuss
the relationship between ‘integrate’ and Integrity… (excerpt
from the Integrity card, available at
Time to
consider the Law of Integrity and why the laws of our land have failed to instill Integrity in our culture. Based on the daily news, about everything from crime statistics to cheating scandals at schools, banks and in politics, I think we need a lot of ethical rehab, not just drug and alcohol rehab.
Is Integrity a head, heart or a gut issue in your life? Do you believe you can be a person of Integrity without first being whole? Notice that the Law of Trust balances this Law on the Wheel. Without one, you won't have the other.
For the next ten days, make Integrity your watch word. Bring it up in conversation often enough to be considered a bit of a pest. Find out what people believe about Integrity. How important is it to you? Have you left any job(s) for the sake of Integrity? People who 'sell their souls' have usually sold their Integrity. This causes the psychic pain of conscience which can drive many to abuse drugs & alcohol...there's always a link.
Identify one thing you can do this week about your Integrity. Help someone else maintain theirs. Be honest, keep your word, be a person of Integrity. All the money in the world can't buy it back.
Here are some nuggets of wisdom about Integrity.
requires that I discern what is integral to my selfhood, what fits and what
does not - and that I choose live-giving ways of relating to the forces that
converge within me... By choosing integrity, I become more whole, but wholeness
does not mean perfection. It means becoming more real by acknowledging the
whole of who I am.
Parker J.
Palmer, American teacher and author, books include Hidden Wholeness
Knowing what we value deeply-what we hold most dear, when
in alignment with being of service to the greater will of all, allows us to
take right action in our personal and professional lives. When the will and
action are conscious, and in alignment,
integrity follows…There is a voice within us that tells us when we are
acting right.
Maureen Simon
we want more brotherhood and goodwill, more intelligence, more clear thinking,
more honesty and sincerity, more tolerance and human understanding we must
concentrate upon cultivating these qualities within ourselves... There is no
substitute for personal integrity.
W. Hintz, DD
…instead of dividing into
mirror-image opposites…people need to achieve a healthier balance of
integration. But such integration is difficult. It represents that high human
achievement: wisdom. In the absence of wisdom, people are
compelled to struggle in their folly. Each side, wedded to its half-truth, sees
the other as the problem. But the problem is a property of the system:
the polarization and conflict are symptoms of the failure to find a way to
bring together those values that are in tension.
Andrew Bard
Schmookler books include Beyond Dispute: Working Through
America's Moral Polarization and Fool's Gold: The Fate of Values in a
World of Goods
saying, “to thine own self be true,” means to act in accord with one’s deepest
feelings and values, no matter what the social consequences. Such emotional integrity could well lead to
deliberately provoking a confrontation, for instance, in order to cut through
duplicity or denial – this clearing of the air is something a social chameleon
would never attempt.
Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can
Matter More Than IQ
Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the
truth to other people.
Spencer Johnson
It is
no longer enough to be smart -- all the technological tools in the world add
meaning and value only if they enhance our core values, the deepest part of our
heart. Acquiring knowledge is no guarantee of practical, useful application.
Wisdom implies a mature integration of appropriate knowledge, a seasoned
ability to filter the inessential from the essential.
Doc Childre and
Deborah Rozman is not what we profess but what we practice that gives us
Francis Bacon, Sr. (1561-1626) English lawyer and
is not integrated repeats itself until it is integrated. I look at the personal
story and the societal story as being one and the same, only in larger or
smaller scale. In our families and in our nations, what we see is our
disintegration being played out. The journey needed now is the integration of ancestor
wisdom into the living community—personally in each of our families, and
globally in the human family.
Angeles Arrien in The
Four Fold Way
are like a compass. A compass has a true north that is objective and external,
that reflects natural laws or principles, as opposed to values which are
subjective and internal. Because the compass represents the eternal verities of
life, we must develop our value system with deep respect for "true
north" principles… Consider the
absurdity of trying to live a life or run a business based on the opposites…unfairness,
deceit, baseness, uselessness, mediocrity, or degradation
Michael Lewis Norton
When you are fully integrated you can be either/or/both/all that
you are. You are androgynous in spirit. Your physical nature is just something
you take on, play with. No matter how you look, you are not as you seem, you
are a soul.
Christina Baldwin, in Life’s Companion
The great spiritual leaders of humankind, Buddha, Jesus, Mahatma
Gandhi, St. Francis or the Dali Lama, possessed integrated values that seem to
put tension into a form that was not just a compromise on the lowest common
denominators. At their level of integration, one might be at once freer than
the libertines, and more disciplined than the straight-laced. One could be both
a better warrior than the hawks and a better peacemaker than the doves.
Andrew Bard Schmookler in The
Dance of Polarization
It is in the integration of the inner and outer worlds that true
spirituality can be distinguished from false. But this integration is greatly
influenced by an internal struggle in the psyche for balance. From this
struggle self-knowledge is attained.
Katherine Tyler Scott in ‘Leadership & Spirituality’ chapter
of Spirit at Work
means living and acting in alignment with spiritual law and with our highest
vision, despite impulses to the contrary. From the heart of integrity we
recognize, accept and express our authentic interior reality, inspiring others
now with words, but by our example.
Dan Millman in The Laws of Spirit
personality is the integration of the physical, emotional and mental worlds in
one…Integration of the soul with the personality connects to the plane of
intuition and the spiritual world… The goal of all development is integration –
of the individual as a personality; integration of the personality with the
individual soul: integration of the human with the whole, until complete unity
has been achieved.
Margo Kirtikar, Ph.D.
in Cosmic and Universal Laws
In ten days, we'll look at the 13th Law of Beauty. Until then, enjoy integrating your thoughts, feelings, intuitions and sense of spirit.