of us make Choices from a range that’s far too small, that diminishes us. We let fear, confusion and other people’s
opinions limit us. How do we discover
and consider our Choices before we make them?
Cynthia F. Davidson, excerpt from the Wisdom Wheel Choices card
Time for Choices, the 20th Law. During the next ten days, take the time to seriously review all your options. Brain storm and generate some new Choices to consider. Make some lists of alternatives in many areas of your life. Think up new job possibilities, creative projects, different places you could live in the future and what you could do with your 'retirement' years. Review how you source your ideas, energy and expectations. Do you feel the freedom of 'free will' or do you feel trapped and limited in terms of your Choices?
Next consider how you make your Choices from among these conscious options. Then make room for your unconscious motivations.
Are you aware of what's involved when you try to make up your mind?
To what degree is your spirit consulted when considering your options?
Do you pray for guidance before making your Choices?
If you were consciously 'spirit led' rather than 'self propelled' (from your fear/mind/ego level), what changes could be possible?
When it's time for change, do you tend to act in a pro-active or reactive way?
How has this attitude affected your range of Choices?
For these ten days, ask others about their Choices. What were their best and worst ones? Why?
Emotional Choices, intellectual Choices, physical Choices, and spiritual Choices are all worth considering, so remember include these categories. You can choose to feel well, have healthy thoughts, make Choices that honor Nature and your body, your loved ones. If all we ever choose to do is what someone will pay us to do, then our Choices are severely constrained.
In the end, we will be defined by the Choices we made and failed to make. So write down all past Choices you can recall, and the ones you know need to be made in the near and long term.
During these next ten days allow different Choices to present themselves without rejecting them at first glance. Reconsider the Choices others have made, and how things have turned out for them. There are always consequences, even when you try to avoid choosing.
On the Wisdom Wheel the Choices Law is balanced by the Eternal Present. This means we need to stay in the 'now' and not bring forward the baggage of bad Choices when considering current options.
Here are some wise words from others on the subject of Choices.
The Law of Free Will aka
the Law of Choices
the bring our creative and expressive energies out into the world in
positive or negative ways... No matter what our circumstances, we have the
power to choose our direction. We also choose to be under the influence of
others or choose to be an example for others. We do it with a hundred actions
which lead to the circumstances we find ourselves in today. Thoughts are things
and the mind is the builder.
Kirtikar Ph.D, Flowing with Universal Laws
you do is a choice based on your dominant values at the moment. Even taking no
action is a choice. You are where you are and what you are because of your
choices and decisions in life to this moment.
If you
limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect
yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is compromise.
I do not
know why it is we remember so much about some of the small decisions of our
lives and so little about most of the great ones, but for me at least that has
always tended to be the case. Maybe it is because the great decisions are not
made at some particular moment in time but deep within us have been so long in
the making that we find ourselves acting on them before we are altogether
conscious of having decided to.
Buechner’s memoir, The Sacred Journey
It took
me a long time and most of the world to learn what I know about love and fate
and the choices we make, but the heart of it came to me in an instant, while I
was chained to a wall and being tortured. I realized, somehow, through the
screaming in my mind, that even in that shackled, bloody helplessness, I was
still free: free to hate the men who were torturing me, or to forgive them. It
doesn’t sound like much, I know. But in the flinch and bite of the chain, when
it’s all you’ve got, that freedom is a universe of possibility. And the choice
you make, between hating and forgiving, can become the story of your life.
David Roberts
every man believes that his decisions and resolutions involve the most
multifarious factors, in reality they are mere oscillation between flight and
choice to experience life as a genuinely powerful person librates a huge amount
of creative energy, and most people are unwilling to enjoy that amount of
Gay &
Katie Hendricks
is a terrible gift, and the theory behind all dictatorships is that ‘the
people’ do not want freedom. They want bread and circuses. They want workman’s
compensation and fringe benefits and TV. Give up your free will, give up your
freedom to make choices, listen to the expert and you will have three cars in
your garage, steak on the table and you will no longer have to suffer the agony
of choice.
L’Engle, Walking on Water
is neither the privilege of the poor nor the luxury of the rich. It is the
choice of the wise man.
existence [is] the highest manifestation of spirituality… A man is ethical only
when life, as such, is sacred to him, that of plants and animals as that of his
fellow men, and when he devotes himself to all life ...which he is able to
assist, and shrinks from injuring anything that lives.
is happening, the only choice you have is what it will look like: war, pestilence,
frogs, blood. It can be plagues but it can be pleasure. Love each other into
Pat B.
Allen, art therapist, books include Art Is a Way of Knowing
At every instant,
one is really making a choice between heaven or hell. The cumulative effect of
all these choices determines the calibrated level of consciousness and one’s
karmic and spiritual fate.
Dr. David Hawkins in I
We are both
burdened and blessed by the great responsibility of free will- the power of
choice. Our future is determined, in large part, by the choices we make now. We
cannot always control our circumstances, but we can and do choose our response
to whatever arises. Reclaiming the power of choice, we find the courage to live
fully in the world.
Dan Millman, in The Laws of Spirit
In ten days, we'll take up the 21st Law of Renewal, so do your Choices work in the meantime.
I actually know what I want to do, but fear and ignorance of how to achieve that end get in my way